ELIO IOT MINI is a development board for AI and IOT projects. It is the brain of the ELIO system, the only one that allows you to program in real time and share applications with one click.

Limitless power and energy

Listening and action

ELIO IOT MINI is based on the ESP32-S3 chip Xtensa Dual Core 32-bit 240 Mhz with artificial intelligence functions, WIFI and Bluetooth 5 connection, 16MB FLASH memory, 8MB PSRAM, accelerometer and gyroscope, IR TX/RX, buzzer, 4 RGB LEDs, I2C and SPI connectors

Real-time visual programming

The if, set and timer blocks are control commands for defining simple logical action structures. It is also possible to manage numeric variables

Blue distinguishes the action blocks with which it is possible to control the RGB and IR LEDs, the buzzer, the digital ports or interact with the network with the webhook action which sends the values ​​detected by the sensors to any web service

The on block allows you to detect predefined events. For example, the “near” event fires when a nearby object is detected.

Green is dedicated to multimedia actions that interact with speakers and cameras (present on IOT EDU and IOT MEDIA)

The color orange is used for sensor values, variables, ports, and system status values

Who is it aimed at?

IOT creations for technology enthusiasts

Smart city and monitoring systems, toy manufacturers

Teaching of STEM disciplines

Logic definition and rapid prototyping

I’m interested!

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