ELIO IOT LAB is a kit for STEM laboratories that includes 12 x IOT EDU individual kits and accessories useful for the development of AI and IOT projects in the educational field. Inside the box you will find:

ELIO IOT MINI is the brain of the kit based on the ESP32-S3 chip Xtensa Dual Core 32-bit 240 Mhz with artificial intelligence functions, WIFI and Bluetooth 5 connection, 16MB FLASH memory (Arduino Uno R3 has 32KB), 8MB PSRAM (Arduino Uno R3 has 2KB), accelerometer and gyroscope, IR TX/RX, buzzer, 4 RGB LEDs and camera connectors, I2C, SPI

ELIO IOT EDU includes temperature, humidity, pressure, distance (0-3 M) sensors, RGB light, 12 RGB LEDs, 6 touch buttons, SD-card, 8 connectors, camera, speaker

- A USB charging station
- A WI-FI mini-router pre-configured and connected to the ELIO IOT devices
- Iconographic stickers to distinguish the devices assigned to each student
- Cable set (USB, I2C, JST-ZH, Dupont)
Set of boards and accessories for the technological and electronic laboratory

ELIO IOT LAB is the most complete IOT development kit for teaching technological disciplines and rapid prototyping of electronic projects. Comprehends:
- 12 x ELIO IOT MINI cards
- 12 x ELIO IOT EDU sets
- A USB charging station
- A WI-FI mini-router pre-configured and connected to the ELIO IOT devices
- Iconographic stickers to distinguish the devices assigned to each student
If you manage an educational laboratory, contact us for more information on info@elioiot.com
(VAT excluded)
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