1. Create an account on IFTTT
2. Install IFTTT app
3. Create the IFTTT recipe
4. Create an ELIO IOT app
{ "do": [ { "if": { "is": [ "humidity", "<=", 25 ], "then": [ { "webhook": { "url": "https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/a_9Oo-gV6XgLRHyRejz9HX0Y7rVEu" } } ] } } ]}
5. Receive the notification on IFTTT app
Examples of integrations with IFTTT
Alert of humidity sensor
This application send a notification to your mobile phone when the Humidity is elevated
{ "do": [ { "timer": { "do": [ { "if": { "else": [ { "set": [ "a", "=", 0 ] } ], "is": [ "humidity", ">", 30 ], "then": [ { "if": { "is": [ "a", "==", 0 ], "then": [ { "light": { "color": 5, "duration": 1 } }, { "webhook": { "type": 0, "url": "https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/Elio_humidity/l_EaHhMSTER7y-a_9Oo", "values": true } }, { "set": [ "a", "=", 1 ] }, { "timer": { "after": 86400, "do": [ { "set": [ "a", "=", 0 ] } ], "id": 0, "play": 1 } } ] } } ] } }, { "sound": { "frequency": 440, "volume": 2 } } ], "every": 5, "id": 0, "play": -1 } } ]}
Receive an email notification whit all sensors
These applications send an email notification whit the sensors informations every 24h
{ "do": [ { "timer": { "do": [ { "webhook": { "type": 0, "url": "https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/Recive_a_email_notification/json/with/key/l_EaHhMSTER7y-a_9Oo-gV6XgLRHyRejz9HX0Y7rVEu", "values": true } } ], "every": 86400, "id": 0, "play": -1 } } ]}